Ways of Life (2016).
Together with my study colleague Dr. Wolfgang Steinmaurer I participated in the exhibition LEBENsWEGE (WAYs of LIFE) at the Café Kronberg starting in February 2016.
It was a special honour for us that Ing. Hans Roithmeier (welcome) and DI Markus Nöttlinger from the Galerie Nöfa, Wels (introduction) opened the exhibition. Michaela Fürnschlief from Quetschwork-Family provided the musical frame with her accordion. In addition, special dishes were created for this evening by the staff of Café Kronberg under the title “Art on the plate”.
My own paintings for this exhibition were created in the years 2012 to 2015. Since we had a lot of wall to work with, the choice of artworks was very diverse and generous.