Three female mystics – who came to stay.

These three mystics have been on my mind for some time. The paintings were already half finished when I heard about the exhibition in Vienna. The exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Vienna/NÖ/Bgld will open next week at ega : frauen im zentrum and my painting of Juliana of Norwich will be part of it.

The three mystics are in a way a continuation of the series “Giving color to the saints” (2022). Unfortunately, only two women were included in this series for the Collegiate Church: Gertrude of Helfta and Teresa of Ávila. For the painting of Teresa of Ávila and Bernard of Clairevaux, I had already worked writings on glassine into the marble powder. Both left behind many writings and I wanted to express this. In both cases, I used original texts and manuscripts as references for their handwriting as far as possible.

Over the past year, I have been considering these three women, all of whom wrote a lot and were mystics. Through their writings they “came to stay”. Here, too, I have incorporated quotations from their writings and worked with templates that reflect their handwriting.

Who are they?

They come from three different centuries, three different countries and have written their works in three different languages:

Juliana of Norwich (ca. 1342 – after 1413) is a Recluse in England whose records of her divine visions convey an incredible freedom and positive relationship with God for the time and is the first book by a woman in the English-speaking world. Her painting is entitled “Freedom despite walls”.

Teresa of Ávila (1515 – 1582) is the founder of many convents in Spain, while she fights against the incomprehension of men who do not understand her mystical relationship with God and punish her. Her books, her guide to “inner prayer” and the women’s monasteries offer women the urgently needed shelter from abuse by their husbands. Her painting is entitled “Light despite incomprehension”.

Hildegard von Bingen (1098 – 1179) is a German polymath who not only wrote many books on natural history. She was also a poet, musician, composer, travel preacher, avid letter writer and advisor to many high-ranking personalities. Despite her great influence, she had to battle headwinds time and again. Her painting is entitled “Fullness of life despite headwinds”.

Freiheit trotz Mauern – Juliana von Norwich, Marmormehl, Papier, Kasein, Tempera, Öl, Wachsseife, Wachssalbe und Pigmente, 80 x 60 cm © 2024 by Jutta Blühberger

Exhibition “they came to stay”

The above painting by Juliana of Norwich with her most famous quote will now be on display in the exhibition at ega : frauen im zentrum.

The opening is on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 6:30 pm at Windmühlgasse 26, 1060 Vienna. All are welcome. I will also be present.

The exhibition runs from Friday, January 17, 2025 to Monday, February 17, 2025.

Quotes from the three mystics

There are quotes from the three mystics which are incorporated into all three paintings.

Juliana of Norwich recorded her revelations under the title “Revelations of Divine Love”. The most famous quote is the following:

All shall be well
and all shall be well
and all manner of things shall be well.

Teresa of Ávila’s quote is also very well known. It was found on a note next to her deathbed in her characteristic handwriting:

Nada te turbe,
nada te aspante,
todo Le pasa,
dios no se muda,
la paciencia,
todo lo alcanza,
quien a dios tiene,
nada le falta,
Lo lo dios pasta.

Nothing should frighten you,
nothing shall frighten you,
everything will pass,
God does not change,
Whoever has God
lacks nothing.
God alone is enough.

There are numerous books by Hildegard von Bingen, especially the scientific ones are the best known. But there are few quotes that are as well-known as the previous ones. The following quotes spoke to me the most:

You lead my mind into the wide,
waft wisdom into life
and with wisdom joy.

I stretch out my hands to God,
that he may hold me,
like the feather
free from all weight
flies carried by the wind.

Here are the paintings of the three mystics and their quotes, which I have incorporated into the artwork.